eBooks for Students

eBooks for JK-Grade 12 children and teens available to the students of Gray Academy. Access using your school Google credentials

eBooks for Adults

You need to be a current library member to access eBooks.

Video Streaming Service

*Exclusive to Gray Academy staff

WNED Passport Video Streaming Service

*Exclusive to Gray Academy staff

Access today’s issue and a 30-day archive

*Exclusive to Gray Academy staff

LaunchPacks: Science combines curriculum-aligned content sets with tools that make it easier for teachers to differentiate instruction and for students to understand core K-12 science topics.

*Available to all Manitoba educators

Offers at three levels (elementary, middle and high) thousands of up-to-date, curated, and curriculum-relevant articles, images, videos, audio clips, primary sources, maps, research tools and recommended Web sites.

*Available to all Manitoba educators

A vast, curated collection of high-quality, rights-cleared images and videos for educators and students.

A vast, curated collection of high-quality, rights-cleared images and videos for educators and students. *Available to all Manitoba educators

Allows research on a broad range of Canadian topics, people, places, and events.

*Available to all Manitoba educators

A video collection of Canadian videos which correlates to provincial and territorial K-12 curricula

*Available to all Manitoba educators

The National Film Board of Canada's education streaming service for teachers. Supports Manitoba's diverse K-12 curriculum.

*Available to all Manitoba educators

Explore CBC/Radio-Canada, BBC and National Geographic content that has been carefully selected for its educational value and relevance to K-12 subject areas. Includes CBC’s current event series: News In Review

*Available to all Manitoba teachers

Jewish and Israeli TV Series, movies, and documentaries with English subtitles. *Exclusive to Gray Academy staff

Jewish and Israeli TV Series, movies, and documentaries with English subtitles.

*Exclusive to Gray Academy staff